Disconnected arla

wwshen@eecs.umich.edu wwshen at eecs.umich.edu
Thu Feb 25 15:47:13 CET 1999

On Thu, 25 Feb 1999, Dr A V Le Blanc wrote:

> I see from the change logs that there is now code in arla 0.22 for
> disconnected operation.  There isn't any documentation that I can
> see, but apparently you specify the initial state on the arlad
> command, then alter it using fs.  The problem I have is that
> after changing to disconnected mode, I don't seem to be able
> to reconnect.  Also, there does not seem to be any way of
> specifying the files and directories I wish to be cached while
> disconnected.
> Can anyone give me more information about disconnected mode?  Does
> it work?

    If you want to use the disconnected mode, you can issue the
following commands:

fs connect dis (enter the disconnected mode)
........	(Do anything you want)
fs connect replay (replay all the operations above and you are 
still in disconnected mode)

    If you want to return to the normal mode, you can issue the
command as follows:

fs connect connect

    But it would be better for you to make sure that you have
replayed the log file. I think it works but there are some
bugs at there because those codes were written in last summer.
Since then I have been working on the new version for disconnected 
mode(log optimizations) intermittently because I am busy with the
other projects. 
Wuwei Shen

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*                Wuwei SHEN                                              *
*   Office: Room 3214, EECS Building                                     *
*           University of Michigan                                       *
*  http://www-personal.engin.umich.edu/~wwshen          .ooo0            *
*              tel:(313)764-1571                        (   )   Oooo.    *
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