Problems getting arla to work in FreeBSD-2.2.8

Staffan Ulfberg staffanu at
Mon Feb 15 23:55:02 CET 1999


I've tried getting arla to work on my FreeBSD 2.2.8 system, but so far
without progress:

arla-0.21 does not compile, seemingly due to problems in the configure
script (it does not set HAVE_FOUR_ARGUMENT_VFS_OBJECT_CREATE; after
setting it to 1 the code compiles OK.)  It still does not work,
however; see below.

I grabbed and compiled the latest snap (990213) after this.  Autoconf
now seems to detect everything, so it compiled on my first attempt.
The same problems after this as with 0.21 after compilation, however.

I can run startarla, which runs successfully.  The lkm is loaded
(verified by modstat), the /afs filesystem is mounted (lsvfs, df), and
arlad is running (ps).  I can cd to /afs, but attempting to do "ls" or
"cd" results in "Operation not supported".  I also have
about 20 messages like this in the syslog after playing with it for
about a minute:

Feb 15 23:27:30 zubr /kernel: PANIC: xfs_unlock: unlocking unlocked

The system doesn't crash, though, and I can umount and modunload the
kernel module (and kill arlad).  The system seems stable after this.

I'm sure:) this doesn't affect things, but I changed the cache
directory to /var/arla when doing the configure, since my /usr is
mounted read-only over NFS.

Any comments or ideas?


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