arla 0.21 Oops on Linux 2.2.1

Dr A V Le Blanc LeBlanc at
Mon Feb 8 08:55:53 CET 1999

chuckl at (Chuck Lever) wrote:
> btw, it would be really cool if the default "make install" process
> (on Linux, anyway) put xfs.o in /lib/modules/`uname -r`/fs/xfs.o instead
> of in /usr/arla/bin.

Actually, I don't think this is a good idea.  In general, I build
arla at least half the time, if not more often, for a kernel which
I am not yet running.  Thus when I moved to 2.2.0-pre8, to 2.2.0-pre9,
to 2.2.0, and to 2.2.1, I recompiled xfs.o for each of these kernels
when I recompiled the kernel; that is, when I was still running the
previous kernel.  So at the very least, you would need to use a
variable instead of putting `uname -r` in the path.

     -- Owen
     LeBlanc at

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