
Love lha at
Mon Dec 13 03:59:11 CET 1999

Changes in release 0.29:

* update to *BSD/current

* some updating to Linux 2.3 (there are some mmap problems)

* bug fixes

This is mainly a bug-fix release. It fixes all known SoftAssert and XFS
panic related to invalid xfs-token handling. We also turn the XFS
PANIC: xfs_invalidnode: no such node in into a debugging message since
we can't know if the condition occurred due to an error or a built race
condition in the xfs-protocol.

It was part of the plan to 0.29 to include BulkStatus, but the new
BulkStatus code triggered too many miss-features in the node and bytes
reclaiming code. We have a plan how to fix that. 

Since we wanted to get out a stable release we build the 0.29 release
on 0.28 and merged in all bug-fixes.

There might be some problems in the BSD code, Linux code should work.

Arla can be found at the usual place: (aka

Love, and the rest of the arla drinkers.

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