arla hanging on freebsd 3.1-stable

Paul Ewing Jr. ewing at
Wed Apr 21 18:41:31 CEST 1999

I'm running Arla 0.23 with FreeBSD 3.1-STABLE.  I've been testing Arla
by configuring and compiling the Arla source in an AFS directory, and
I'm having a problem with random hangs.

It usually hangs while running configure.  Sometimes I can run it
serveral times in row without problems; other times it hangs on the
first attempt.  I can kill the configure process to get out of the
hang, but from then an `ls -l' in that directory hangs.  (Plain `ls'
doesn't, so it's likely a stat() call that's hanging.)  Everytime a
process hangs, another arlad worker is used up.  Eventually I run out
of workers.  Restarting arlad gets things working again.

Here is an excerpt from the arlad log.  These messages repeat over and

Wed Apr 21 11:01:55 1999: arlad: worker 1: processing
Wed Apr 21 11:01:55 1999: arlad: Rec message: opcode = 22 (pioctl), size = 2096
Wed Apr 21 11:01:55 1999: arlad: sending wakeup: seq = 158114, error = 0
Wed Apr 21 11:01:55 1999: arlad: Send message: opcode = 23 (wakeup_data), size = 2072
Wed Apr 21 11:01:55 1999: arlad: worker 1: done

Any idea what might be causing this?

Paul J. Ewing Jr.
ewing at                            (612) 337-3530 (work)               (612) 781-1160 (home)

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