linux kernel 2.2.6, Arla 0.23

Magnus Ahltorp map at
Sun Apr 18 02:13:06 CEST 1999

> 1) ls doesn't work the first time you use it

Does this happen in every directory?

> 2)
> 	[cohentl at h130133 rec9]$ cat testprog.cpp 
> 	cat: testprog.cpp: Interrupted system call

Is this reproducable? Does it happen for every file? Can you run
"strace cat testprog.cpp" and send me the output?

> anyone else having similar problems? I'm assuming something changed in the
> kernel since Arla worked with 2.2.5

There have been quite some changes, but the only significant one seems
to be in the rename semantics. Adjustments to the xfs code for this
have not been done yet.

Did you encounter these problems in a fresh session, or did you do
anything in afs before experiencing the problems?

map at

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