@sys in /afs directory on arla-0.13 works ?

Magnus Ahltorp map at stacken.kth.se
Thu Oct 22 03:31:36 CEST 1998

> It may make more sense, but it's not what the rest of the AFS world is using 
> so it's a problem when talking to existing AFS installations with existing 
> linux-afs clients.
> FWIW we're using i386_linux2 for libc5, i386_linux2g currently for libc6, 
> but we're going to switch to i386_linux3 when the "official unofficial" 
> glibc linux-afs port comes out (it will use i386_linux3 for glibc2/libc6).  
> I'm not overly fond of it, but it's what I have to live with.

Since arla has more support for linux compared to Transarc, and has
not come out with the glibc port yet, arla was typically first.

I'm not going to support more Transarc weirdnesses than
neccessary. It's already enough. You don't have to live with it.

map at stacken.kth.se

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