freebsd 2.2.5 and arla-0.13

Eric Hoffman hoffman at
Wed Oct 7 04:50:03 CEST 1998

   Right.  getvfs is failing to lookup the file system.

   What kind of file system is /usr/arla/cache?

   Can you set breakpoints in fhopen and fcache_fhget and see if these
   calls are being succesful?

   You should also bee able to see debug output from these (xfs_syscall).

   BTW, are you running Transarc AFS at the same time?

/usr/arla is just ufs

  BTW, are you running Transarc AFS at the same time?

no, not at all...I started a port a while ago but it was a pretty
heinous affair

thanks _very much_ for your time. it looks like fhopen_working is zero
because of the return value from k_hasafs(). I assume this is because
I'm using the CMU krbafs library as you suggested for those of us
unfortunates with labrinthine cryptography seems to be
looking for responses to some specific system calls

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