freebsd 2.2.5 and arla-0.13

Assar Westerlund assar at
Wed Oct 7 04:34:05 CEST 1998

Eric Hoffman <hoffman at> writes:

>   This seems to indicate arlad is installing data and xfs is not happy
>   with it for some (odd) reason.  I'm not able to reproduce your problem
>   under FreeBSD 2.2.
>   To get some more information, can you try enabling debug in xfs as
>   well, and then setting breakpoints in arlad when it's receiving and
>   sending `getdata' and `installdata' and print out the complete
>   messages?
> the following debugging trace from xfs over one of the upcall cycles would 
> seem to indicate that xfs_fhlookup wasn't able to find the cache file

Right.  getvfs is failing to lookup the file system.

What kind of file system is /usr/arla/cache?

Can you set breakpoints in fhopen and fcache_fhget and see if these
calls are being succesful?

You should also bee able to see debug output from these (xfs_syscall).

BTW, are you running Transarc AFS at the same time?


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