/usr/athena/include in arla 0.0

Artur Grabowski art at stacken.kth.se
Thu Mar 12 14:44:23 CET 1998

From: Gene Skonicki <gene at cif.rochester.edu>
Subject: /usr/athena/include in arla 0.0
Date: Thu, 12 Mar 1998 00:42:31 -0500

> Hi, guys,
> I was wondering if something was to be committed wrt/ fixing the fact that
> /usr/athena/ is always the default config include directory.  In several of
> the OSes, you can make very reasonable guesses as to where those headers
> should be.  For example, FreeBSD and OpenBSD need -I/usr/include/kerberosIV
> while solaris wants -I/usr/include/kerberos I believe.
> I think I coded some heuristics to do this and sent them t art a while back,
> but assuming things are in /usr/athena/include jt doesn't seem to work in the
> long run (htough I'm sure it works for you guys ;)).

I think if you configure with the target set to openbsd2.3 the include
directory will be set correctly. Kerberos from 2.2 or FreeBSD (i think)
won't work anyway.

It works on my current machine anyway. (and it doesn't have /usr/athena)


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