fs does not work?

Love lha at stacken.kth.se
Thu Jun 25 00:08:52 CEST 1998

Naomaru Itoi <itoi at eecs.umich.edu> writes:

> Love, if your question is "does the syscall in 'fs' reach xfs?", my
> answer is I guess not.  Several debug messages should be printed by
> xfs/bsd/xfs_syscall.c if a syscall is received by xfs, but I have seen
> none of them. (Yes, I have flipped all the debug flags on.)  In fact,
> I believe no syscall is called from "fs" command because it fails at
> k_hasafs(). 

Ok, but k_hasafs() does a syscall i libkafs to probe if arla is there,
so you should at least see one probe in xfs. 

If you look k_hasafs() in ${kth-krb}/lib/kafs/afssys.c you'll
see the syscall.

Make sure that its 210 that is the AFSSYSCALL. Run the
preprocessor on afssys.c and see what it really send to that syscall
in k_hasafs() Like:

cd ${kth-krb-objdir}/lib/kafs && rm afssys.o && \
  make -n afssys.o | sed 's/-c/-E/' | sh | less

Good luck,


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