bad inode number: 0 / xfs_syscall returns error: 0

Magnus Ahltorp map at
Sat Dec 5 02:46:00 CET 1998

> This is bizarre.  Previously the commands were "succeeding" but not
> returning anything, for instance an 'ls -a' would immediately return
> showing no entries (including neither . nor ..).  However, I just
> reloaded arla and it appears to be working now ?!  Very bizarre
> considering there wasn't even a reboot in between.

This is not so strange, since xfs shows an empty directory when no
arlad is attached. Your "problem" may be that arlad is trying to
verify its cache. Arlad will not attach to xfs before the cache
verification is complete. The cache verification is turned off with
the -z flag to arlad.


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