Success (mostly) with arla 0.9 on Debian system

Dr A V Le Blanc LeBlanc at
Wed Aug 5 09:05:50 CEST 1998

The recently released arla version 0.9 now more or less works
on my Debian (hamm) system.  I say it works because it compiles
without problems, startarla works with my cell's ThisCell and
CellServDB, /afs is populated, and I can even execute binaries
in /afs.  Finally!  Good work and many thanks to all.

I say it works more or less, though, because there is a problem.
The Debian system's cron runs a find job every day (despite my
deleting every line I can find which might do it) that tries
to search all of /afs.  Unfortunately it appears that this job
is responsible for leaving the arla-mounted /afs in an odd state:
xfs module still there, arlad still running, /afs apparently
mounted, but nothing under /afs accessible.

For the moment, I've just killed cron.  I'll let you know if
it recurs.

     -- Owen
     LeBlanc at

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