Do you have arla for windows source code?

Bo Brantén bosse at
Mon Apr 6 14:20:02 CEST 2009

I tryed to compile the Windows driver using an old DDK and post the result 
here to help others that would like to experiment with Arla on Windows. 
(To use any later DDK the driver must be updated, I try that if I find 
the time)

How to compile the Windows driver:

1. Get the Windows 2000 DDK (witch requires Visual C++ 6.0) (don't 
everyone has these laying around :)
2. Copy ntifs.h to arla\nnpfs\winnt\inc (my latest version 
works so you don't need an old one)
3. Copy fdir.c from arla\lib\bufdir to arla\nnpfs\winnt\src
4. Replace the Makefile in arla\nnpfs\winnt\src with one from any sample 
driver in the DDK.
5. Change the INCLUDES= line in the Sources file in arla\nnpfs\winnt\src 
6. Now the driver can be compiled with the command "build" in the DDK 

Bo Branten

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