arla-devel port for FreeBSD (was: Patches to get Arla running on FreeBSD 8-CURRENT)

Rasmus Kaj kaj at
Sat Mar 8 21:24:53 CET 2008

lör 2008-03-01 klockan 15:00 -0600 skrev Alec Kloss:
> I've made a new arla-devel port snapped from Arla's CVS today.

I'm now running this port on a FreeBSD 7-0 (prerelease) machine.  After
some "real" use, and a "run-test -all -fast" it seems ok (Failed test(s)
were:  append-over-page read-past-eof mmap-and-read, which I've gotten
used to).  I'm running "run-test -all" (without the -fast) now, will
report back if I get unexpected errors.

I've heard rumors about problems with storing the cache on zfs on
Solaris.  Have anyone tried using zfs for the cache in FreeBSD?

Rasmus Kaj <kaj at>

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