Problem with file creation on openafs-1.4.1

Harald Barth haba at
Tue Nov 14 23:01:37 CET 2006

> we are using an Ubuntu 6.06 LTS system with openafs-1.4.1.

I'd start by asking the following questions...

What is LTS?
Kernel version?
Is OpenAFS 1.4.1 the server version?
Is the result the same if you write without auth (as system:anyuser)?
How do you write the data? 
strace on the writing command?
Output of fs arladebug almost-all?
Output of fs nnpfsdebug almost-all?
How does the data look from another client?
Can data be written from another client and read correctly?
Can you run the test suite (*)?

cd tests
WORKDIR=irgendwo-unter-/afs-wo-schreibbar ./run-tests -fast -all


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