4GB read limit with 0.42 and NetBSD 3.0/i386

Harald Barth haba at pdc.kth.se
Wed May 24 03:16:57 CEST 2006

> Something else is wrong.

Maybe. Hm. How is the fetched size reported back to nnpfs in the
kernel? Seems to me that nnpfs thinks the file has the following sizes
(4M fetchsize):

2^32-8M            <--+
2^32-4M               |
2^32                  |
2^32+4M modulo 2^32   |
2^32+8M modulo 2^32   |
.                     |
.                     |
filesize modulo 2^32--+

nnpfs loops like this.

While arlad has fetched everything up to 2^32-8M and is "done".


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