support for afsdb-driven-dynroot in arla?

Harald Barth haba at
Mon Jan 30 10:17:08 CET 2006

> One thing that I can't figure out though is how to autopopulate /afs
> using only AFSDB records.  I've got arlad running with the "-D"
> option, and it's able to figure out the afs servers for cells that I
> manually add through the gui configuration tool (so clearly AFSDB is
> working correctly), but it doesn't seem to be able to create entries
> simply by me accessing files in the form of /afs/cellname.
> Is this supposed to work?

No, the add-cell-by-typing-in-/afs/cellname is not added to arla yet.
Today you either need to read the cellnames from CellServDB (you don't
need the hostnames) or from a root cell of your choice.

I made some stabs at it but never got a production-ready
implementation. Other things have had higher priority, but of course
it can be done, all the necessary mechanisms are in the code.

Tol will come back to you about the Windows stuff.


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