arla on Mac OS Tiger

Jacques Goldberg Jacques.Goldberg at
Sun Oct 23 10:48:46 CEST 2005

Yes, reading the list, CERN **user** not system person.
answering Torsten off list (CERN privacy).

Tomas Olsson wrote:
> First, about the Tiger package:
> It does not support multiple PAG's per user. If anybody knows how to do
> that on Tiger, I'm interested.
> Also, defaults (as does heimdal) to using the file-based
> credential cache. The easiest way to get tickets is probably using
> /usr/arla/bin/kinit from the package.
> Torsten Harenberg <harenberg at> writes:
>>[Torsten-Harenbergs-PowerBook:~] harenber% kinit -f harenber at CERN.CH
>>Please enter the password for harenber at CERN.CH:
>>Kerberos Login Failed: The specified realm is not in your
>>configuration file or does not exist
>>[Torsten-Harenbergs-PowerBook:~] harenber%
> That should have been fine, especially if you used /usr/arla/bin/kinit.
> But it's probably right. You need to get details on CERN.CH kerberos
> servers, which is usually done in /etc/krb5.conf or proper dns records. Ask
> CERN about that. If they are still using krb4 or kaserver tell them to
> upgrade (and try /usr/arla/bin/kalog, it may still work).
> Are there any public parts of /afs/ that you can access? Do we have
> any cern related people on the list?
> /t

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