hints for compiling arla for OS X 10.3

Keith Johnston keith at cs.auckland.ac.nz
Wed May 12 08:31:38 CEST 2004

	I still seem to be having problems with compiling either arla 
0.36alpha3 or arla 0.36pre40.
	I have reimaged my test box to be sure that I have a clean environment 
to work in. and copied the tgz or tar files for arla 0.36alpha3, arla 
0.36pre40 and krbafs-1.2-nocrypto and extracted the files. For the two 
arla sources I added #undef  HAVE_KRB5  to appl/lib/arlalib.c and 
rxkad/rxk_serv.c as Love and Massimo suggested.
I have tried firstly configuring them without krbafs ran make and got 
the same sort of  error messages while working in rxk_serv.c ( 
undeclared functions, identifiers etc.).
	I configured then ran make and make install in krbafs-1.2 and went 
back to the two arla source trees re configured them 
--with-krb-afs=/usr/local/lib/ ran make clean and make to get the usual 
	I am using developer tools 1.1 with gcc version 3.3.
	Are there some other tricks I am missing or is there other stuff I 
should be modifying?
Thanks in advance for your help

Keith Johnston									xtn: 87977
Computer Support
Computer Science Department					Rm 395

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