build can't find des.h

Brian Sammon brians+ at
Wed Mar 10 02:50:04 CET 2004

> Try using:
> e <your stuff here>

Okay, that helped some.  Now it's getting stuck when trying to build arlad.  
Here's the results:

../libtool gcc  -o arlad adir.o arla.o arladeb.o arladebu.o cmcb.o conn.o 
cred.o d-trans.o disco.o dynroot.o fcache.o fprio.o inter.o kernel.o 
messages.o poller.o subr.o state.o stats.o volcache.o nnpfs.o bsd-subr.o 
arlad.o -L../lib/bufdir -lbufdir -L../rxdef -lrxdefclient -lrxcbserver -L../rx 
-lrx -L../lwp -llwp  ../lib/ko/ ../util/ 
../lib/vers/ ../lib/roken/     -lresolv -lresolv
gcc -o arlad adir.o arla.o arladeb.o arladebu.o cmcb.o conn.o cred.o d-trans.o 
disco.o dynroot.o fcache.o fprio.o inter.o kernel.o messages.o poller.o subr.o 
state.o stats.o volcache.o nnpfs.o bsd-subr.o arlad.o  
-L/installfrom/arla/arla-0.36pre38/lib/bufdir -lbufdir 
-L/installfrom/arla/arla-0.36pre38/rxdef -lrxdefclient -lrxcbserver 
-L/installfrom/arla/arla-0.36pre38/rx -lrx -L/installfrom/arla/arla-0.36pre38/l
wp -llwp ../lib/ko/.libs/libko.a ../util/.libs/libarlautil.a 
../lib/vers/.libs/libvers.a ../lib/roken/.libs/libroken.a -ldb -lresolv
conn.o(.text+0xa2e): In function `add_connection':
/installfrom/arla/arla-0.36pre38/arlad/conn.c:419: undefined reference to 
fcache.o(.text+0x714): In function `fcache_fhopen':
/installfrom/arla/arla-0.36pre38/arlad/fcache.c:479: undefined reference to 
fcache.o(.text+0x76c): In function `fcache_fhget':
/installfrom/arla/arla-0.36pre38/arlad/fcache.c:545: undefined reference to 
fcache.o(.text+0x3783): In function `fcache_init':
/installfrom/arla/arla-0.36pre38/arlad/fcache.c:1539: undefined reference to 

Can anyone shed some light on why this is happening?

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