list questions

Harald Barth haba at
Fri Jan 30 23:50:14 CET 2004

This is a bit meta, but I suppose more that Brian do want to know what
is going on. Brian's question was:

> Okay what's the difference between arla-drinkers@ and arla-drinkers-list@ ?
> Is it the same set of people subscribed to both?

The arla-drinkers list i handled by majordomo and the *-list one is an
_internal_ alias that you should never see. In fact, all the
arla-drinkers mail is expanded by using the *-list alias without you
taking notice. Unfortunately, some people in the spam business seem to
have figured out that you can mail directly to the *-list expander
without going through majordomo. That is bad because majordomo
includes some spam prevention which the posting to *-list circumvents.

So what to do about it? We should figure out how to prevent mailings
from other than majordomo (or to the *-list aliases. This
has not been achieved yet due to the massive frustration that can be
involved when dealing with sendmail and One easier way
out might be to replace *-list with *-somethingelse-I-wont-tell-you
and hope the spammers won't find out soon. Trust me, we are as annoyed
as you are and thinking about a possible solution to this.

If you have some ideas and suggestions how to fix this, your`re welcome 
with suggestions to staff at ...


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