Arla from CVS on FreeBSD 5.2, can't get tokens with heimdal

Alec Kloss alec-keyword-arla.4d43de at
Wed Jan 21 03:33:48 CET 2004

I'm having some trouble getting a token on a FreeBSD 5.2 box with 
arla sources compiled from CVS tonight.  Running afslog looks like this:

wiley% /usr/work/heimdal-0.6/appl/afsutil/afslog
afslog: krb5_afslog((null)): Unknown error: -1
afslog: krb_afslog((null)): Retry count exceeded (send_to_kdc)

Arla's debug output while trying to afslog looks like this:

2004-01-20 20:23:27 CST: arla: worker 0: processing
2004-01-20 20:23:27 CST: arla: Rec message: opcode = 22 (pioctl), size = 2104
2004-01-20 20:23:27 CST: arla: unknown pioctl call -2146675197
2004-01-20 20:23:27 CST: arla: sending wakeup: seq = 1682, error = 22
2004-01-20 20:23:27 CST: arla: Send message: opcode = 1 (wakeup), size = 24
2004-01-20 20:23:27 CST: arla: worker 0: done
2004-01-20 20:23:27 CST: arla: worker 0 waiting
2004-01-20 20:23:27 CST: arla: worker 0: processing
2004-01-20 20:23:27 CST: arla: Rec message: opcode = 22 (pioctl), size = 2104
2004-01-20 20:23:27 CST: arla: unknown pioctl call -2146675197
2004-01-20 20:23:27 CST: arla: sending wakeup: seq = 1683, error = 22
2004-01-20 20:23:27 CST: arla: Send message: opcode = 1 (wakeup), size = 24
2004-01-20 20:23:27 CST: arla: worker 0: done
2004-01-20 20:23:27 CST: arla: worker 0 waiting

Any ideas?

Alec Kloss           alec at
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