Arla 0.35.11, Mac OS X 10.2.4,, aklog

Troy Goodson Troy.D.Goodson at
Wed Mar 5 17:49:06 CET 2003

I installed Arla 0.35.11 on my OS X 10.2.4, but now I can't figure out 
how to authenticate.  I was almost able to authenticate in previous 
versions with klog.  My problem then was I couldn't do "klog tgoodson" 
as that argument was not accepted by arla's klog ( my afs username is 
tgoodson, my OS X username is tdg)

Here's what I've done:

1) I installed Arla
2) edited my /usr/arla/etc/ThisCell to contain "" (no 
quotes, of course).
3) I restarted my machine
4) ran
   clicked the lock, entered my admin password
   checked "Start Arla ot boot"
   when to the "Cell Setup" tab, checked "Auth" and "Show" next to
   back on the "General" tab, I clicked "Start"
   I see an "afs" volume on my desktop
   I see an /afs/ path mounted from the command line
5) I ran
    I see a window with 3 columns "Cell" "Status" "Expire in"
    nothing is listed in the columns
    there is a status bar in the lower left with stripes that aren't 
    I clicked the Authenticate button
    -- the strips moved for a brief moment, nothing else happened
6) I rebooted and repeated step 5 with the same results.
7) In ...
[goodson-1:~] tdg% /usr/arla/bin/aklog
/usr/arla/bin/aklog: Failed getting tokens for cell
[goodson-1:~] tdg% /usr/arla/bin/aklog tgoodson
/usr/arla/bin/aklog: Couldn't get AFS ID for tdg at, 
using 501 from /etc/passwd
/usr/arla/bin/aklog: Failed getting tokens for cell tgoodson.
8) I tried rxdebug...
    I read the FAQ, <>
    [goodson-1:~] tdg% /usr/arla/bin/rxdebug -version my-kaserver
Usage: rxdebug -servers <string> [-port <string>] [-nodally] 
[-allconnections] [-rxstats] [-onlyserver] [-onlyclient] [-onlyport 
<number>] [-onlyhost <string>] [-onlyauth <string>] [-version] 
   [goodson-1:~] tdg% /usr/arla/bin/rxdebug -version
Usage: rxdebug -servers <string> [-port <string>] [-nodally] 
[-allconnections] [-rxstats] [-onlyserver] [-onlyclient] [-onlyport 
<number>] [-onlyhost <string>] [-onlyauth <string>] [-version] 
    I don't know what rxdebug really does and I can't figure out how to 
use it!
9) I tried kinit
[goodson-1:~] tdg% kinit --afslog tgoodson
kinit: Unable to create principal for 'tgoodson': Configuration file 
does not specify default realm
[goodson-1:~] tdg% kinit --afslog
kinit: Unable to create principal for current user: Configuration file 
does not specify default realm


How do I specify my username with aklog?

How do I use Afslog?

If I should use "kinit --afslog", where do I specify the default realm? 
I don't seem to have /etc/realms.conf or /etc/krb.conf

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