0.35.10pre2 on OSX 10.2 Oddment

Thomas Jordan jordant at fnal.gov
Wed Sep 4 21:00:24 CEST 2002


I am using the arla.conf unmodified from build

[d-5810-lss:/usr/arla/etc] jordant%  more arla.conf.default
# Arla conffile
# $Id: arla.conf,v 1.8 2000/09/12 07:22:42 lha Exp $
# The upper limit of (arlad) vnodes (think files and directories)
# (high-water mark)
high_vnodes 4000
# The number of used vnodes we try to have
# (low-water mark)
low_vnodes 3000
# The upper limit of bytes in the cache
# (high-water mark)
high_bytes 100M
# The number of bytes we try to use
# (low-water mark)
low_bytes 90M
# The number of credentials in arla, both unauthentic,
# and authentic (like Kerberos V4 creds)
numcreds 100
# The maxium connections arla will have to all servers
numconns 100
# The number of volumes stored in cache.
numvols 100
# File priority, the describes how the cleaner process will clean out
# files when set to a non-zero value. You might lose files that you
# fell is important (and isn't marked with priority flag) when you are
# in disconnected mode. You might not want to set this since then you'll
# loose valuble diskspace for to `sticky' files.
fpriority 0
# The End.
[d-5810-lss:/usr/arla/etc] jordant% cd ../sbin

I start arla by running the unmodified script (from the 0.35.10pre2 build)
in /usr/arla/sbin/ :

[d-5810-lss:/usr/arla/sbin] jordant% more startarla
# A simple startupscript to start arla for *BSD.
# You must have a path that includes, modload, ld,
# mount_xfs, and arlad.
# $Id: startarla.in,v 2002/08/30 01:35:57 ahltorp Exp $


if [ ! -e $CACHEDIR ] ; then
   mkdir $CACHEDIR
   chmod 700 $CACHEDIR
   chown root $CACHEDIR

if test -f  $LKMDIR/xfs.ko; then
  if test ! -c /dev/xfs0; then
    mknod /dev/xfs0 c 128 0
  kldload $LKMDIR/xfs.ko
elif test -x /sbin/kextload; then
  rm -f $VARDB/xfs_sym
  kextload -s $VARDB $LKMDIR/xfs.kext
  kextstat > $VARDB/xfs_modstat 2>&1
elif test -x /sbin/sysconfig; then
  /sbin/sysconfig -c xfs
  if test ! -c /dev/xfs0; then
    SYSCALL=`/sbin/sysconfig -q xfs major | awk '{print $3}'`
    mknod /dev/xfs0 c ${SYSCALL} 0
elif test -x /sbin/modload; then
  rm -f $VARDB/xfs_sym
  modload -o $VARDB/xfs_sym -e xfs_mod -p $SBINDIR/xfs_makedev \
  modstat > $VARDB/xfs_modstat 2>&1
  echo "Couldn't figure out how to load your kernel module"
  exit 1
test -d /afs || mkdir /afs
${SBINDIR}/mount_xfs /dev/xfs0 /afs
${LIBEXECDIR}/arlad -z /dev/xfs0
[d-5810-lss:/usr/arla/sbin] jordant%

On 9/4/02 12:00, "Magnus Ahltorp" <ahltorp at nada.kth.se> wrote:

>> I don't know the answer to that. How can I tell?
> Is "dynroot" mentioned in your arla.conf? What command line parameters
> do you run arlad with?
> /Magnus

Thomas Jordan
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
Kirk and Pine Streets
PO Box 500
MS 226 WH15W
Batavia, Illinois
voice: 630.840.4035
fax : 630.840.8248

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