Arla not starting up automatically at Boot

Joe Izen joe at
Thu Oct 10 04:24:37 CEST 2002

Thanks everyone who's helped port arla to 10.2.

I am working on MacOS 10.2.1.  Here's the steps I followed.

1) Downloaded the 0.35.10 binary for MacOS, gunzip, tar -xvf
2) ran the installer  arla_0.35.10.pkg
3) ran Applications/Arla/ArlaConfiguration and selected the cells I 
want, including Set to start at boot.
4) edited /usr/arla/etc/ThisCell and replace the default line with
5) Restart
6) Authenticate:
[G3:/afs] joe% kalog
Getting ticket for joe at
[G3:/afs] joe% kalog joe at
Getting ticket for joe at
[G3:/afs] joe% pwd
[G3:/afs] joe% ls -la
total 0
drwxr-xr-x   2 root  admin    68 Oct  9 10:21 .
drwxrwxr-t  45 root  admin  1530 Oct  9 10:42 .
[G3:/afs] joe% tokens
tokens: You don't seem to have AFS running

7) returned to ArlaConfig.  The Start Arla at boot is checked, but 
the AFS Client is OFF.

8) turned the AFS Client ON
An afs icon appears, and now if I kalog, I see my afs-mounted remote 
file systems.

9)  I reran ArlaConfiguration from root, but it still doesn't start 

To summarize, arla is mounting remote file systems, but only after a 
manual launch from ArlaConfiguration.

Unrelated question: am I remembering correctly that in an older 
version I was using (I think 0.35.8) with Macos 10.1.5 used klog 
rather than kalog?  What is the difference?

Thanks for suggestions.

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