arla compiling

FBO fbo2 at
Mon Jun 24 23:17:19 CEST 2002

Hello arla-drinkers,

when trying to compile arla kernel modules I get the following
error message:

gcc  -o arla-cli adir.o arla.o arladeb.o arladebu.o cmcb.o conn.o cred.o darla.o discon_log.o dynroot.o fcache.o fprio.o inter.o kernel.o messages.o reconnect.o subr.o volcache.o xfs.o unknown-subr.o arla-cli.o -L../lib/bufdir -lbufdir -L../rxdef -lrxdefclient -L../rx -lrx -L../lwp -llwp  -L../lib/sl -lsl -lreadline -ltermcap -L../lib/ko -lko -L../util -lutil ../lib/roken/libroken.a -L../rxkad -lrxkad  -lkrb4 -ldes425 -lkrb5 -lcom_err -lk5crypto -lcom_err  -lresolv 
fcache.o: In function `fcache_fhopen':
/SCR/kernel/addons/arla-0.35.7/arlad/fcache.c:591: undefined reference to `k_pioctl'
fcache.o: In function `fcache_fhget':
/SCR/kernel/addons/arla-0.35.7/arlad/fcache.c:635: undefined reference to `k_pioctl'
fcache.o: In function `fcache_init':
/SCR/kernel/addons/arla-0.35.7/arlad/fcache.c:1536: undefined reference to `k_hasafs'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

Does someone know in which library to look for k_pioct k_hasafs?

Linux kernel is 2.4.18 with xfs 1.1 patch.
OS is debian sid, fully upgraded.

Thank you for any help.


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