arla setup question (Mac OS X)

Troy D Goodson Troy.D.Goodson at
Fri Jun 7 01:54:56 CEST 2002

When I type

   klog tgoodson at

I get

   tdg at's Password:

What's going on and how do I fix it?
(my user account on my Mac is tdg, my afs username is tgoodson)

uname gives:
Darwin 5.5 Darwin Kernel Version 5.5: Thu May 
30 14:51:26 PDT 2002; root:xnu/xnu-201.42.3.obj~1/RELEASE_PPC  Power 
Macintosh powerpc

--- how I got here ---

I download the Mac OS X package

and installed it

I ran the "Arla Configuration" GUI and, in the "Cell Setup" pane, I 
selected both "Auth" and "Show" for cell name ""

I clicked "Start" to start the client

I added to my path by editing my .cshrc to include

set path = ( /usr/arla/bin $path )
setenv MANPATH  /usr/arla/man:$MANPATH

however, when I typed

    klog tgoodson at

I was greeted with

    tdg at's Password:

so, then I figured out that I needed to edit /usr/arla/etc/ThisCell
because it contained "" (is that a bug?)

but klog seems to ignore my username!

also, I don't have a file "/etc/krb.conf" or "/etc/krb.realms " do I 
need to add these?

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