Problem building 0.35.8 on Darwin

Joe Izen joe at
Sat Jul 20 09:45:52 CEST 2002

I installed arla 0.35.7 for macos X from the OS X .pkg. It works but 
the klog command refuses to listen to:

"klog username at" or "klog"

It always uses the default cell.  My colleague confirms the linux 
version has the same problem, but he built 35.8 on linux and reports 
the problem is fixed. When I tried to build in Darwin, i eventually 
encounter the following error:

gcc -flat_namespace -o arla-cli adir.o arla.o arladeb.o arladebu.o 
cmcb.o conn.o cred.o darla.o discon_log.o dynroot.o fcache.o fprio.o 
inter.o kernel.o messages.o reconnect.o subr.o volcache.o xfs.o 
bsd-subr.o arla-cli.o -L../lib/bufdir -lbufdir -L../rxdef 
-lrxdefclient -L../rx -lrx -L../lwp -llwp  -L../lib/sl -lsl 
-L/users/joe/Desktop/arla-0.35.8/lib/editline -leditline  -L../lib/ko 
-lko -L../util -lutil ../lib/roken/libroken.a -L../rxkad -lrxkad 
-lkrb4 -ldes524 -lkrb5 -lcom_err -lk5crypto -lcom_err
/usr/bin/ld: Undefined symbols:
make[1]: *** [arla-cli] Error 1
make: *** [install] Error 1
[localhost:joe/Desktop/arla-0.35.8] root#

Is there a workaround or fix?  Thanks! -joe

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