Recursive setacl

Love lha at
Mon Aug 19 17:33:34 CEST 2002

"Aaron J. Angel" <aangel at> writes:

> Any chance of getting a recursive fs setacl mod committed?  It'd be
> most useful, and certainly beats `find . -type d -exec fs setacl \{}
> ... \;' most of the time.  Or is it already there and I've just missed
> it?

There is no such thing in fs yet. I've though about adding it.

If such code was written the tree-iteration code had to be able to take at
least the following flags:

  files - pass files to the callback function
  dirs - pass dirs to the callback function
  mountpoint - allow traversing afs mountpoints

This is so it can be shared between all tools that need tree-iteration


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