problems with @sys

Harald Barth haba at
Fri Aug 2 17:10:59 CEST 2002

> I am using arla und various linux systems, now on Suse Linux 7.3 (kernel
> 2.4.16) and 8.0 (kernel 2.4.18). The installation worked, for 8.0 only by
> replacing xfs to a_xfs in the source code to avoid the problems with
> struct xfs_handle in the kernel.

When the SGI'xfs is defined in the kernel configuration, it will conflict
with Arla's xfs. Have you replaced all ocurences in the whole source or
did you use a more "targeted" approach? I have success and failure stories
from people who have tried  the "replace all" approach.

To my knowledge the compat table for arla is as follows

ext2		Compiles fine and cache is fine in ext2

ext3		Compiles fine and cache is fine in ext3

reiserfs	Compiles fine and cache in reiserfs triggers buggs in
		reiserfs. I have given up debugging that around kernel
		2.4.12 as I sent reiserfs traces but the reiserfs
		folks would not even try a "./configure && make
		install && ./tests/run-tests" to reproduce the problem.

SGIxfs		Should compile fine if you replace "xfs" with something 
		else at	the right spots. Cache in SGIxfs I don't know
		anything about.

JFS		I don't know


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