newbie, afs file path question

Henry B. Hotz hotz at
Fri Sep 7 23:53:49 CEST 2001

At 12:03 PM -0700 9/7/01, Troy Goodson wrote:
>I use two different machines, one Mac OS X and the other HP-UX. 
>Both have some form of AFS installed.  On the HP-UX machine, the 
>following path is valid and gives me access to my file:
>On my Mac OS X machine, with Arla, the above path does not work, and 
>I have to use this path:
>What's going on?

Probably arlad is being started with the -D option, which is needed 
for the GUI configuration tool to work completely.  This means that 
the contents of /afs/* are determined by that tool and there is no 
provision for aliases to the "standard" of using the DNS name of the 
cell.  Unless the developers have added some alias capability 
recently I don't have a really good recommendation for you.

On your HP you are probably seeing a lot of things like /afs/jpl2 and 
such which are defined by our AFS administrators for convenience.

If you take the -D option off the arlad command in 
/usr/arla/sbin/startarla (I think) then you will see the same stuff 
in /afs/* as on the HP.  The big downside is that the finder wants to 
cache a lot of info about all the links there and it will take longer 
for the /afs volume to mount on your desktop than it does to start 
classic emulation.  This is what I do, but it's frustrating.

Give me a call if you need some more explanation.
The opinions expressed in this message are mine,
not those of Caltech, JPL, NASA, or the US Government.
Henry.B.Hotz at, or hbhotz at

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