Bug in pts

Dr A V Le Blanc LeBlanc at mcc.ac.uk
Tue Jun 12 17:02:22 CEST 2001

The pts command which comes with arla gives me the following behaviour:

14:37:34 > pts add zlsiipm web_admin -cell mcc.ac.gb
Can't get a token for cell mcc.ac.gb
pr_adduser failed with: PR - Permission denied. (267269)
14:37:46 > tokens

Tokens held by Arla:

User's (AFS ID 1) tokens for afs at mcc.ac.gb [Expires Jun 12 22:36]
   --End of list--
14:37:48 > pts add zlsiipm web_admin -cell mcc.ac.gb
Can't get a token for cell mcc.ac.gb
pr_adduser failed with: PR - Permission denied. (267269)

This is, incidentally, with 0.35.3 since I haven't upgraded to
0.35.4 yet.  User AFS ID 1 is admin, of course, but it doesn't
matter what user you have authenticated: the same error occurs.
(By the way, the user zlsiimp and the group web_admin do
exist, so that is not the problem.)

Linux, kernel 2.2.19, libc 2.1.3, gcc 2.95.2.  This is what happens:
We go into arlalib_getsecurecontext with the correct cell name and
a good host, and with auth = AUTHFLAGS_ANY.  Since secureobj is NULL,
we try arlalib_get_cred_krb (cell, host, &c, auth); this calls
krb_realmofhost and gets the correct answer.  Then it calls
k_errno = get_cred("afs", cell ? cell : "", krealm, c), and this
returns the number 76 (no ticket file), not surprising since we
in fact have no ticket file.  We then try get_cred("afs", "", krealm, c),
which also returns 76.  arlalib_get_cred_krb then returns -1.

Next we try arlalib_get_cred_afs (cell, &c, auth).  This calls
arlalib_token_iter (cell, find_token, c), and this for some
reason returns -1073745268.

I can set a breakpoint in arlalib_token_iter, but I'm not sure what
it's supposed to be doing.

     -- Owen
     LeBlanc at mcc.ac.uk

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