Bugs in Arla 0.35.4pre7 and other newer stuff on MacOS X.

Magnus Ahltorp ahltorp at nada.kth.se
Wed Jun 6 03:31:21 CEST 2001

> Seems like some documentation of the quirks I mentioned would be
> useful.  Is there any description of the MacOS X binary package and
> what's in it anywhere for instance?

No, not at the moment.

The way I build a binary package is that I do a normal configure,
make, make install and then I run make-mac-package.sh with the version
number. Then a .tar.gz file is generated.

> I personally like building from source because I can put everything
> into /usr/local.  I don't like having /usr/local/pgsql,
> /usr/local/athena, /usr/local/<list of one per package> to keep track
> of when setting $PATH and $MANPATH.

One problem with installing arla in a location other than /usr/arla is
that kth-krb won't find the ThisCell, TheseCells and CellServDB files.

Everything in arla should use the prefix that you set, except for the
new Mac OS X configuration things. The three files that contain
hard-coded strings are DataSource.m, ReadCells.m and


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