Some smaller vos bugs

Harald Barth haba at
Tue Jul 31 14:56:15 CEST 2001

This is a list of some small things in arla vos that have been
annoying me for some time. I hope this encourages someone to give it a
try to write a fix. I know that there are other parts of vos that
are not implemented at all, but for the time being the ones that are
should behave a bit better.

the vos version is current from cvs as of today, my target OS is Linux
2.4.5 but that does probably not matter.

1) vos listvol does not list unattached volumes in output.

Example: /vicepa has one unattached volume.

vos listvol -server -partition a -noauth


Total number of volumes on server conger partition /vicepa: 1319
 <list of 1318 volumes in status On-line>

But nothing about the unattached volume. OpenAFS/TransarcAFS lists the
volume like

**** Could not attach volume 537035293 ****

which is dead ugly, but I'd like to see it listed somehow. Either in
OpenAFS/TransarcAFS compat or better. I think this would be better
because it fits with the rest of the output:

****                                 537035293 **          * K Unattached

The summary line at the end lists the volume as onLine:

Total volumes onLine 1319 ; Total volumes offLine 0 ; Total busy 0

2) In spite of that there is no authentification needed for vos listvol 
the application complains if there is some unknown authentification key
lying around.

$ ./vos listvol -server conger -partition a 
printlistvol: PartitionInfo failed with: rxkad - Unknown key. (19270408)

Instead of complaining vos could retry the operation without auth (or
not use any authentification for the listvol operation to begin with)

3) vos now actually completes the listvldb operation without the server 
   option which should be reflected in the usage message and the man page.


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