arla yellowdog ppc

Dennis Kwon bigdenis at
Thu Dec 6 11:29:37 CET 2001

My situation is kinda complicated.  I'm running from a residential 
computer (running Yellowdog Linux v 2.1 on a b&w G3) behind a cable/dsl 
router, connecting via. AT&T broadband to the internet.  I've compiled 
kth-krb, heimdal, and arla successfully and installed them.  However, 
I'm wondering if it would even be possible for me to connect to MIT's 
AFS from home.  I have a few questions about this:

1.  In the /usr/arla/etc/ThisCell, I put, since I'm not 
running an afs server on my machine.  Is that okay?

2.  In the /usr/arla/etc/CellServDB, I didn't change anything.  

3.  I copied the krb5.conf and krb.conf files from the /etc directory of 
one of the MIT dialups (  I also copied krb.realms, but 
added in my domain name ( to the list of realms, 
pointing it to ATHENA.MIT.EDU.

4.  Now, when I try to run arla, if I use /etc/rc.d/init.d/arlad, I just 
Starting arla: failed.

5.  The more interesting output come from /usr/arla/libexec/arlad -z -n 
2001-12-04 17:37:42: arlad: read_conffile: /usr/arla/etc/arla.conf
2001-12-04 17:37:42: arlad: Arlad booting sequence:
2001-12-04 17:37:42: arlad: connected mode: connected
2001-12-04 17:37:42: arlad: ports_init
2001-12-04 17:37:42: arlad: rx
2001-12-04 17:37:42: arlad: conn_init numconns = 100
2001-12-04 17:37:42: arlad: initconncache
2001-12-04 17:37:42: arlad: cellcache
2001-12-04 17:37:42: arlad: fprio
2001-12-04 17:37:42: arlad: volcache numvols = 100
2001-12-04 17:37:42: arlad: using rxkad level auth
2001-12-04 17:37:42: arlad: credcache numcreds = 100
2001-12-04 17:37:42: arlad: fcache low_vnodes = 3000, high_vnodes = 
4000low_bytes = 94371840, high_bytes = 104857600
2001-12-04 17:37:42: arlad: cmcb
2001-12-04 17:37:42: arlad: cm
2001-12-04 17:37:42: arlad: arla init done.
2001-12-04 17:37:42: arlad: kern_open /dev/xfs0: No such device

Do I need to recompile my kernel or something?  Or is this solely 
relying upon the xfs modules packaged with arla?

6.  Another problem I found was, when I try to use 
/usr/athena/bin/kauth... I get a failed to store AFS token error as follows:
[bigdenis at yellowdog dkwon]$ /usr/athena/bin/kauth
bigdenis at ATHENA.MIT.EDU's Password:
kauth: failed to store AFS token
[bigdenis at yellowdog dkwon]$ /usr/athena/bin/kauth -d
bigdenis at ATHENA.MIT.EDU's Password:
lrealm is ATHENA.MIT.EDU
Getting host entry for it.
connecting to ( udp, port 750
sending 54 bytes to (, udp port 750
recieved 167 bytes on udp/tcp socket
serv=krbtgt.ATHENA.MIT.EDU at ATHENA.MIT.EDU princ=bigdenis. at ATHENA.MIT.EDU
Machine time: Tue Dec  4 17:40:19 2001
Correcting to Tue Dec  4 17:40:19 2001
Authent->length = 132
lrealm is ATHENA.MIT.EDU
Getting host entry for it.
connecting to ( udp, port 750
sending 142 bytes to (, udp port 750
recieved 73 bytes on udp/tcp socket
serv=krbtgt.ATHENA.MIT.EDU at ATHENA.MIT.EDU princ=bigdenis. at ATHENA.MIT.EDU
Machine time: Tue Dec  4 17:40:19 2001
Correcting to Tue Dec  4 17:40:19 2001
Authent->length = 132
lrealm is ATHENA.MIT.EDU
Getting host entry for it.
connecting to ( udp, port 750
sending 156 bytes to (, udp port 750
recieved 159 bytes on udp/tcp socket
Machine time: Tue Dec  4 17:40:19 2001
Correcting to Tue Dec  4 17:40:19 2001 at ATHENA.MIT.EDU princ=bigdenis. at ATHENA.MIT.EDU
Machine time: Tue Dec  4 17:40:19 2001
Correcting to Tue Dec  4 17:40:19 2001
Authent->length = 124
kauth: failed to store AFS token

7.  Finally, the last error I get, which may be related to the kauth 
problem, appears when I run /usr/arla/bin/klog:  The output is below:
[bigdenis at yellowdog dkwon]$ /usr/arla/bin/klog
bigdenis at's Password:
klog: Unable to get an AFS token: Unknown error code passed 

If I change the name in /usr/arla/etc/ThisCell to ATHENA.MIT.EDU, 
instead of "Unknown error code...," I get "Principal unknown (kerberos)"

Can anybody help me out?  Or at least let me know if this is a stupid 
endeavor that will never work?

Dennis Kwon

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