Load average problems

Love lha at stacken.kth.se
Sat Apr 28 02:00:08 CEST 2001

Dr A V Le Blanc <LeBlanc at mcc.ac.uk> writes:

> I should say this is using glibc (6) version 2.1.3, compiled
> with gcc 2.95.2, and the rest of the distribution is fairly
> ordinary Debian potato, except that all file systems are reiserfs.

Can you log what arla is doing with `fs arladebug almost-all' when it's
looping. You turn logging off with `fs arladebug -all'.

Only occasion I know arlad will loop in 0.35.3 is when it failes to gc
connections and creds and reuse them to the fileserver. I would like for
you to verify first that this is the bug that you trigger.

In that case the syslog will be filled with

Mon Apr  19 23:28:49 2001: arlad: cm_getattr
Mon Apr  19 23:28:49 2001: arlad: fcache_get_attr: doing read_attr
Mon Apr  19 23:28:50 2001: arlad: fetch-status: rxkad - Ticket expired.
Mon Apr  19 23:28:50 2001: arlad: Credentials for <who-are-you?> (51871) in cell e.kth.se has expired

when loggin turned on. The fileserver will have lots and lots of
connections to that host that are ``bad'' and they all failed with
error-code 19270409 (RXKADEXPIRED). You can see them with rxdebug.

If it isn't that problem, I would like to have a extract to that log


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