Klog w/ IBM AFS 3.5p5

Harald Barth haba at pdc.kth.se
Thu Sep 28 01:48:10 CEST 2000

> Hmm, I wasn't able to get this to work for me. 

What did you try? 

> I'm going to try to get arla re-compiled to use Kerberos V, to see
> if I can get it to work that way.

I still think that that particular kaserver is broken in that way that
it kan authenticate with rx but not with krb4+udp. I don't see any
possibility to authenticate with krb5 to the kaserver. If you compile
arla with the heimdal libraries, it will use the krb4 compat mode of
these. That will not change anything between the arla client and
the kaserver. I'm still very curious if you can convince you kaserver
to give you some debugging output by setting krb_udp_debug with a


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