Klog w/ IBM AFS 3.5p5

Robert P Ricci ricci at eng.utah.edu
Fri Sep 22 22:36:46 CEST 2000

I've been having some trouble with arla since we upgraded our server
binaires from 3.5 patchlevel 4 to patchlevel 5. Now, when I try to
klog from arla clients, I get:

<ricci at siren:~>klog
ricci at eng.utah.edu's Password:
klog: Unable to get an AFS token: Permission Denied (kerberos)
<ricci at siren:~>

I've tried arla 0.33 and 0.34.3, and have tried with a variety of
FreeBSD and Linux machines. Looks like the problem must lie with getting
the AFS tokens, NOT the Kerberos tickets: 

<ricci at siren:~>kinit
FreeBSD Inc. (siren.eng.utah.edu)
Kerberos Initialization
Kerberos name: ricci
<ricci at siren:~>klist
Ticket file:    /tmp/tkt8073
Principal:      ricci at ENG.UTAH.EDU

  Issued           Expires          Principal
Sep 22 14:34:05  Sep 23 00:34:05  krbtgt.ENG.UTAH.EDU at ENG.UTAH.EDU
<ricci at siren:~>afslog
afslog: Failed getting tokens for cell (local cell) in realm (local

Has anyone else seen this, or can you offer any suggestions about how
to get around this problem? 

| Robert Ricci - <ricci at eng.utah.edu>
| University of Utah - CADE Lab operator - www.cade.utah.edu

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