Cache Problem??

Jochen Saile saile at
Fri Oct 20 12:37:21 CEST 2000

Hi Love,

> I've been thinking about this problem. Was the files accessed by other
> clients at the same time or opened (the time between open(2) and close(2))
> for a long time (more then 1h) ?

the problem occurs, when i am compiling things on the Solaris x86 machine.
Unfortunately i cannot paste the real output. I installed Arla 0.34.5 and now i
can no longer access AFS. ls /afs hangs... :( But you mentioned some problems
with solaris....

roxane >gcc -c -o foo.o foo.c
roxane >file foo.o
foo.o: ELF relocatable, Intel... (Something  like this)

Now i access the same file from a linux machine. 

oberstein >file foo.o

The following works:

roxane >gcc -c -o /tmp/foo.o foo.c
roxane >cp /tmp/foo.o .
roxane >file foo.o
foo.o: ELF file ...

Now i access the same file from a oberstein

oberstein >file foo.o
foo.o: ELF relocatable, Intel...

The gcc version on roxane is 2.95.2



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