
Love lha at
Wed Oct 18 22:34:27 CEST 2000

Dave Morrison <dave at> writes:

> Love,
> I've noticed one small problem with this minor release - the test for
> HAVE_INIT_WAITQUEUE_HEAD on linux (2.2.18preX) won't work properly
> unless the AC_TRY_COMPILE_KERNEL in
> cf/linux-func-init-wait-queue-head.m4 includes linux/stddef.h.  NULL is
> undefined otherwise and the test always fails.  There may be better ways
> to fix this, but here's one patch that seems to work.

Thanks for reminding me of all the patches that I forgot to apply to the
0.34 branch. I had fixed this in HEAD when I got your first patch. Now its
pulled up. When we release 0.34.6/0.35 it will be there.


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