problems compiling arla .9 on debian

Ashwin Krishna Patil apatil at
Tue May 23 15:45:00 CEST 2000

I'm installing arla .9 on Debian. I ran configure as ./configure
--with-krb5-lib = /usr/lib

Then I type "make" and everything goes smoothly until:

gcc  -o arlad adir.o arla.o arladeb.o cmcb.o conn.o cred.o fbuf.o fcache.o
.o inter.o kernel.o messages.o volcache.o linux-subr.o -L../rxdef
-L../rx -lrx -L../lwp -llwp -L../lib/sl -lsl
-L/usr/arla/arla-0.9/lib/editline -
leditline -lcurses -L../lib/ko -lko -L../util -lutil -L../lib/roken
-lroken -L..
/rxkad -lrxkad -L/usr/lib -lkrb4 -ldes425 -lkrb5 -lcrypto -lcom_err
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `_lxstat'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `_xstat'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `__setjmp'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `_fxstat'    

I have zero clue why these kerberos libraries are doing this.  Has anyone
encountered this before, or do you have any idea what's going on ?

Ashwin Patil                                                                                
ph. (734) 213-2003                     
email: apatil at            
University of Michigan at Ann Arbor      

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