Debugging arla on FreeBSD 4.0

Robert P Ricci ricci at
Fri Mar 31 06:49:43 CEST 2000

I've had arlad 0.32 crash on me a few times in the past weeks.
After examining a core dump from the latest crash, I was able
to track the problem down to a failed assertion in volcache.c,
line 588:

if (db_servers == NULL || num_db_servers == 0) {
        arla_warnx (ADEBWARN,
                    "Cannot find any db servers in cell %d(%s) while "
                    "getting data for volume `%s'",
                    cell, cell_num2name(cell), name);
----->  assert (cell_is_sanep (cell)); <-----
        return ENOENT;

Any ideas on how arlad could get into this state, or what code I
should look at to investigate it further? Thanks!

| Robert Ricci - <ricci at>
| University of Utah - CADE Lab operator
| "Boredom comes to those who wait" - The Pietasters

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