arla-0.33 wedges NetBSD-1.4.1 machines

Dr. Lex Wennmacher wennmach at geo.Uni-Koeln.DE
Mon Jul 10 17:56:08 CEST 2000

On Jul 8,  7:00pm, Love wrote:
> Is not as simple as ``calendar -a'' running and wacking the computer, there
> is something more involved (have ran ``calendar -a'' for five and half
> hours now on ~600 accounts, where some had a calendarfile).
> :(

Does any of your users have it's home directory ACL set to "system:anyuser l",
plus *lots* of subdirectories with the same ACL?

Anyways, my machine just wedged again and I have the full debugging output
available under ftp://gutemine.geo.Uni-Koeln.DE/pub/arla/messages.gz

The machine wedged around 17:23 and was rebooted 17:28. The log starts with the
first messages from arlad. I hope you can see something from the system log,
it's kind of longish.

Thanks for looking at this problem.


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