Arla Compiling problem that I can't seem to fix

Harald Barth haba at
Tue Dec 12 17:07:00 CET 2000

> it seems to be including /usr/local/lib in there.  What am I doing wrong?
> I am not very experianced with the -L option or ld, so I don't know if that
> is the way I should include...

You have to try the gcc line with additional linker options, probably
both -L and -l. I'd guess something like -L/your/lib/dir -lkrb4 It's
in your compiler docs how -L and -l behave. Remember that argument
order between -L, -l and .o files does matter. Somewhere after -lko is
good. When you figure out what linker options you need in your
Makefile, the next step is to gererate these with configure.


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