Debugging arla on FreeBSD 4.0

Assar Westerlund assar at
Sat Apr 1 01:47:26 CEST 2000

Robert P Ricci <ricci at> writes:
> I've had arlad 0.32 crash on me a few times in the past weeks.
> After examining a core dump from the latest crash, I was able
> to track the problem down to a failed assertion in volcache.c,
> line 588:
> if (db_servers == NULL || num_db_servers == 0) {
>         arla_warnx (ADEBWARN,
>                     "Cannot find any db servers in cell %d(%s) while "
>                     "getting data for volume `%s'",
>                     cell, cell_num2name(cell), name);
> ----->  assert (cell_is_sanep (cell)); <-----
>         return ENOENT;
>     }
> }
> Any ideas on how arlad could get into this state, or what code I
> should look at to investigate it further? Thanks!

I assume that `cell' (and the rest of the parameters) are garbage?  If
that's the case, I'm afraid that my theory is that something is
sending down a bogus Fid to the volume cache and that's why it's
crashing there.  Can you tell us from where the bogus information has
been propagation, i.e. where is the source of the bogus information
that get_info_loop() has gotten?


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