location of cache dir

Love lha at stacken.kth.se
Wed Mar 17 05:57:42 CET 1999

Nat Lanza <magus at cs.cmu.edu> writes:

> Love <lha at stacken.kth.se> writes:
> > Since /usr might not be avaible at boot-time and later be mounted read-only
> > on all systems.
> Well, sure, but if your binaries are in /usr, then that cache in /var
> really isn't useful without /usr mounted anyway.

Just the kernel module, arlad, the cache and mount_xfs is need for booting
and those could be easily be installed on / and /var.

> The Right Thing is probably just having both '--prefix=' and
> '--with-cache-dir=' configuration options, with the cache-dir option
> defaulting to somewhere under $prefix. Go for the common case, but
> make it easy to adapt to the less common ones.

(I don't expect any answers, just pointing out that is not really obvious
 where to store thing to make it work everywhere and there is no right way)

Where should you place you kernel module to make it load automagicly ? For
varius operating system those are:
 FreeBSD /lkm (/kld now ?)
 Linux /lib/modules/n.n.n
 osf /subsys,/usr/sys/BINARIES,...
 solaris /kernel/<subsys>
Should arlad be placed in /sbin, and where should we install the
headerfiles and (shared)libs to make them simple to use ?

And remember that it should be simple at the same time (ie configure &&
make all install).

The only obvious programs is fs, vos and friends.

I don't think there is a Right Way<tm>, just a Easy, Fast and Stupid Way.


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