Error 'Software caused connection abort' in arla 0.26 and 0.25

Assar Westerlund assar at
Sat Jul 24 16:12:12 CEST 1999

Dr A V Le Blanc <LeBlanc at> writes:
> As you see, it takes about 10 seconds to work properly, and
> the first four times it fails with this funny error message.
> The message is not from anywhere in arla directly.  The error
> number ECONNABORTED is defined in errno.h.  This is on Linux
> 2.2.10 with arla 0.26, but also occured with 2.2.9 and 0.25.

As you saw yourself, there's nowhere in arla or xfs where ECONNABORTED
should be returned.  And looking around int the Linux source it only
seems to happen in inet_accept and ip_fw_ctl, neither of which should
apply here.  It could however, be a VNOVOL error that doesn't get
translated properly.  Can you turn on arla debugging (with `fs
arladebug all') and then try accessing some file that gives you these
errors?  That way we might be able to figure out where the error is


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