Arla 0.20 and linux 2.2-pre9, misc problems, probably not kernel specific

Neulinger, Nathan R. nneul at
Sun Jan 24 21:33:40 CET 1999

It seems to be working ok for me. 

I do notice one problem. It appears that Arla treats PAG's differently than
transarc's AFS. If I do an su to root while logged in, with a token, I no
longer have the token, or the pag, in the su'd session:

Here is a transcript to show the problem:


Tokens held by the Cache Manager:

User's (AFS ID 5879) tokens for afs at [Expires Feb 23 14:18]
   --End of list--
Ticket cache: /tmp/krb5cc_tty2
Default principal: nneul at UMR.EDU

Valid starting      Expires             Service principal
24 Jan 99 14:18:15  23 Feb 99 14:18:13  krbtgt/UMR.EDU at UMR.EDU
24 Jan 99 14:18:17  23 Feb 99 14:18:13  afs at UMR.EDU
uid=5879(nneul) gid=5000(afsuser) groups=33536,32512,5000(afsuser)
infinity(50)>su - 
[root at infinity /root]# id
uid=0(root) gid=0(root)
[root at infinity /root]# /usr/afsws/bin/tokens

Tokens held by the Cache Manager:

   --End of list--

Yes, I am using a mixture of transarc excutables and AFS, but only to
demonstrate the problem. Might be good if arla included a tokens executable.
Probably is easy enough to write, in fact, I believe I have the code lying
around somewhere to do it.

-- Nathan

Nathan Neulinger                       EMail:  nneul at
University of Missouri - Rolla         Phone: (573) 341-4841
Computing Services                       Fax: (573) 341-4216 

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