Pb getwd on afs linux

Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH allbery at kf8nh.apk.net
Tue Jan 19 15:35:05 CET 1999

In message <19990119081901.A2389 at light-brigade.mit.edu>, Gerald Britton 
| Why can't arla be fixed so that ".." is available in afs directories such tha
| t
| the method of repeatedly accessing "../.." and "../../.." until the root woul
| d
| work?

Because that works by inode number.  The problem being that AFS uses a set 
of four 32-bit values, which have to be hashed into a single 32-bit value; 
the result is *not* guaranteed to be unique, so ugly things can happen with 
programs that rely on unique inode numbers.  Such as pwd, and such as 
Solaris's ld.so which goes bonkers if two shared libraries on AFS hash to 
the same inode number....

brandon s. allbery	[os/2][linux][solaris][japh]	 allbery at kf8nh.apk.net
system administrator	     [WAY too many hats]	   allbery at ece.cmu.edu
carnegie mellon / electrical and computer engineering			 KF8NH
     We are Linux. Resistance is an indication that you missed the point.

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